Nicolas Krauze

Management / Communication / Cohésion d'équipe / Réussite collective vus par un chef d'orchestre


Chef d’orchestre à la carrière internationale et conférencier reconnu, Nicolas KRAUZE prépare et repense chacune de ses interventions selon les besoins et souhaits de l’entreprise cliente. Parmi ses thèmes de prédilections : - Rassembler les talents individuels pour une réussite commune : le modèle de l’orchestre symphonique. - Dirigez et communiquez comme un chef ! - De la coopération à la cohésion : une approche symphonique. - Chef d’orchestre : les secrets d’un métier au cœur du management. Une approche historique, mais aussi géo- graphique et culturelle, avec de nombreuses vidéos explicatives, des questions-réponses, une vraie interactivité, des mises en situation, des témoignages de première main et de l’humour... Que ce soit pour votre Top-Management ou pour l’ensemble de vos cadres et salariés, cette conférence apportera dynamisme et cohésion à vos équipes et jouera un fort rôle de Team-building.


  • Conference : 4000 €




French, English

Les thèmes de ce conférencier

His/Her talks

Conference #1

Lead like a conductor !

Discover this human laboratory that is a symphony orchestra, where everything is concentrated in space and time, through the eyes of a conductor. All the analyzes and feedback from 20 years of experience on stage around the world of Nicolas Krauze, conductor, in terms of management, motivation of individuals and groups, time management, delegation of responsibilities, enhancement of individual talents and creation of a group spirit in trust. A historical, but also geographical and cultural approach, with many explanatory videos, questions and answers, real interactivity, scenarios, first-hand accounts and humor... Whether for your Top-Management or for all your executives, this conference will bring a real plus to your teams and will play a real role in Team-building. Between 45 min and 1h30 according to wishes and needs.

Conference #2

Achieving common success in the diversity of individuals

How to understand and respect the diversity, assets, strengths and weaknesses of each to achieve cohesion and common success. The model of the symphony orchestra, seen by a conductor. A historical, but also geographical and cultural approach, with many explanatory videos, questions and answers, real interactivity, scenarios, first-hand accounts and humor... Whether for your Top-Management or for all your executives, this conference will bring a real plus to your teams and will play a real role in Team-building. Between 45 min and 1h30 according to wishes and needs.

Conference #3

Bringing together individual talents for common success

A historical, but also geographical and cultural approach, with many explanatory videos, questions and answers, real interactivity, scenarios, first-hand accounts and humor... Whether for your Top-Management or for all your executives, this conference will bring a real plus to your teams and will play a real role in Team-building. Between 45 min and 1h30 according to wishes and needs.

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