Brian Hoareau



Hey ! I'm Brian Hoareau, and my mission is to help you become an authentic achiever. Back to the past : With a background as an international lawyer, I worked for major international organizations, driven by nonsensical goal achievement. After a profound introspection, I embraced spirituality, seeking answers within. Unfortunately, I got lost in spirituality, experiencing solitude and isolation. However, an accident led me to integrate both worlds: inner spirituality and outer action in the material world. ​ Today, trained in neuroscience, NLP, positive psychology, quantum mechanics, ancient wisdom, and Universal Laws, I guide you to engage your brain, body, emotions, and soul to manifest your dream life.


  • Conférence : 2700 €


Reunion Island (France)


Français, Anglais

Les thèmes de ce conférencier

Ses conférences

Conférence #1

Become An authentic Achiever for the new world !

Through his own personal history, as well as his expertise in NLP, quantum mechanics, ancient wisdom adapted to the modern world, and their combined anniversary, Brian Hoareau provides you with keys to align your brain, your body, and the blueprint to manifest the career and business of your dreams with a method entitled the MVP.

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